Getting Rid Of All Other People’s Shoulds Now Allows Us To Live a Life Without Regrets Later by Ozzin Jun
Going after our biggest dreams and starting a business can be sometimes challenging. Especially, when people around us try to keep us safe and when our own fears hit in to play small. It requires some really big balls to do big impact in the world, and to create our own reality.
Despite many challenges, my entrepreneurial path has been one of the most blissful journey’s in my life and has been one of my biggest spiritual transformations.
From being an international entrepreneur, travelling around the world, running my own show and impacting lives. However, this is not how I started. Today, I want to take you behind the scenes of where my path started, and how I got to where I am today.
My Uni Dropout & Start Of My Entrepreneurial Path
Nervously flying butterflys in my stomach, and yet an exciting voice in me that felt like jumping around like a happy kid. It was the day of my university dropout. This is how I started my own business back in 2019/20 when I was 22 years old. I was back then still in university enrolled in my BA in Design Management International in Switzerland.
But during my studies, I always dedicated time to growing my own business. I started as a copywriter, a brand consultant, and an online marketer.
After covid-19 got worse, and home office started. I decided to fully dropout in February 2020, and I decided to go all in with my business. This was also more beneficial to my health, as I was sacrificing my sleep to keep up with university while running my business.
‘’Thinking bigger does not cost you anything.’’
I felt back then, slightly scared, and insecure, but also extremely thrilled, and excited to drop out. I had a mix of feelings that I should finish my studies, but my intuition kept telling me that I should drop out and use my time differently.
So, I listened to it and decided. I told my mum about my decision. The next day, I submitted my uni dropout letter to my school, and from there, an adventurous entrepreneurial journey started.
A motto that has changed my life forever is this:
‘’Jump in at the deep end, and be your own catalyst of life.’’
Have the courage to break existing rules for wisdom to fulfill your dreams. Be an odd-ball that stands out. Dare to take actions that feels a little ‘insane, scary and somewhat thrilling.’’ This is where the game truly starts.
My Transformation & Changes I Have Made
In May 2021, I made a pivot from copywriting to Business Mentoring to infuse all my skillsets in one. I went from being financially broke, having massive debts, having no purpose, chasing money down the road for survival, being kidnapped 3x, raped & abused in 2019, and having several mental hardships to a monthly 6-figure earning Business Coach in December 2021.
Within 8 months I grew exponentially. I’ve been featured in Fairmont Post, Yahoo Finance, Disrupt, Brainz Magazine & many other publications, including on Billboard in May 2022 in NYC. From having my podcast show, running my consulting business remotely, giving speeches on international stages and serving clients internationally, there was a lot of growth that has happened ever since then.
‘’Thinking about death has clarified my life. Remember to die. By the end of our lives, we cannot take our money, our car or material wealth to grave. But the impact and legacy we leave will remain forever. I asked myself the question: What would I do today differently, if I know I would only life for 2 years more?’’
I started to focus on the things that truly matter to me. I knew I had enough time and yet not enough time. that’s where I had the patience to keep going & yet have a burning urgency in the PRESENCE to make things happen.
One of the main things I changed ever since I was broke to being financially confident, was the way I lead myself. I started to take radical full ownership of all results in my life. I married myself, owned my self-worth, and started to take bold moves.
The more I realized my gifts and my self-worth, the more money I started to make. I started to have more thriving relationships, healed myself from massive traumas, and focused on what could be done for a better future.
World-class leadership, and shaking off all limiting labels, third party stories, or ‘shoulds’ from what other people expected from me, allowed me to create the type of life that made me truly happy. It also amplified my results in all life areas.
‘’I realized that our biggest victories start in the darkness. I act beyond my circumstances and choose to turn any life event into my biggest blessing.’’
Peeling the onion down to the core: talking to multiple millionaires, billionaires, and my own experiences, I realized it comes down to our self-worth. Worthy of success, worthy of the luxury (whatever that means to you) and to honor yourself (to be able to honor others). Self-love, God-love in his kingdom. Building relationships is key in business & to lead a happy life.
Another thing I massively changed was this: I celebrated myself, tapped myself on the shoulders, and gave everything I wanted from the outside to myself. For example, telling myself: ‘’Ozzin, you did a great job. Ozzin, congrats on your first 10k. Ozzin, congrats on hiring your first team members.’’
I grounded myself deeper in faith, I embodied my vision, I changed my circle of friends, I cut off negative voices that would drain me and I adopted a ‘Whatever It Takes’ Mindset.
I made a contract to myself and promised what I would do to hit my goals. I committed to my dreams daily and kept going no matter how hard it was. Through blood, sweat or tears, to make no excuse. All of that led me to my success, and I feel through the resilience I’ve built in my journey I became a better leader for others.
‘’I made a contract to myself and promised what I would do to hit my goals. I committed to my dreams daily and kept going no matter how hard it was. Commitment and faith plays it’s biggest role when you’re about to give up.’’
What I Wish My Family, Friends & Teachers Would Knew
When I decided to drop out of university, my parents were very understanding and supportive of my decision. However, throughout my journey it was very dynamic, I had a lot of frustration, and doubts, nights I cried out, and moments where I had to defend my dreams against my parents, friends, and my teachers.
I heard things, such as: ‘’Ozzin, you should go back to university. You should get a 9–5 job. Your dreams are too big. You’re doing a big mistake by turning down good job offers and dropping out of university.’’ These comments were an ongoing flood during the time I was building up my business.
‘’Be your own movie director of life and have powerful self-talks to yourself that excites you. You hold the pen to write your own story forward, and no one else. Write boldly, and take bold moves.’’
I wish that back then, my teachers would have been more supportive and wished me good luck, instead of telling me that I was doing my biggest mistake in life. Only because they have failed in the past in a business, doesn’t mean that it would apply to me.
I wish that sometimes my parents would have been more patient and had a deeper understanding of the dynamics of business. ‘’Where is the money? Are you having success? Do it faster.’’ These were some pressurizing questions I had to deal with.
I wish that my parents, teachers, or friends would have celebrated me more about my small wins and encouraged me more, instead of tearing me mentally down. I always felt I was not good enough, and it never felt like enough what I was.
I understand that they intended to protect me, however, sometimes the greatest support could have been just a borrowed belief.
I can’t complain, because deep down I am very grateful. These are just things I wish that it would have been slightly different. But I feel all of this accelerated my inner drive and dedication toward the success I have today.
My Message To Aspiring Entrepreneurs & Bold Impact-Makers
If you read this, and if you can relate to some of these pains as an aspiring entrepreneur or a business owner going against all odds, I would love to tell you one thing: You’re not alone. Get support. Focus on your greatest power, on your purpose, and allow yourself to explore. Do things practically.
It’s always different to do things pragmatically vs. thinking about it in your mind. Get sharp on your mission, on the legacy you want to leave, and have focus. All the dots will connect when you look back on your journey. Change your surrounding and your circle of friends with people who support your dreams.
‘’You didn’t receive your big visions without any reason. There is a reason why you have them.’’
Cut off the noise that doesn’t support you. Stop giving your power away, stop being an emotional reaction to everything around you, and start to get proactive in your leadership. Invest big amounts into closing your skill gaps, your mindset, and your health, and invest in great mentors.
It’s faster and wiser to learn from someone who has already done it. You never lack resources, but resourcefulness.
Have an open mind, however, make sure that you operate from a place based on your core values and live in your universal way.
‘’I stopped living a life by the response of others. I stopped limiting myself based on my circumstances. I started to get proactive in holding my power. To tap into the staying power and lead myself through good & bad times.’’
It’s good to model great mentors, and people you admire. But stay original to yourself. Free yourself from society-based ‘shoulds’ and instead, create your own rules that allow you to live a life that is true to yourself. In this way, you inspire others to live a life that it is true to themselves. Most importantly, be happy.
It’s a choice of how we respond to different events in life. As much as your life can be miserable with traumas, you equally have the potential to receive bigger blessings and go very high in life. The way you show leadership in your downs, will also test your ability to hold your highs in life as well.
Your hard work will pay off, and there’s no doubt you will not succeed if you keep on going.
Start before you’re ready.
You deserve the best life, a happy life, and a life with exciting stories to tell when you grow old.
Break the regrets before it breaks you.
I hope this story can inspire you to take bold moves and to go after your biggest dreams!
Much Love,
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